XY Spreadsheet Solutions

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Integrated MEP - Operations Tracker

One of IMEP's major clients is Marriot Hotels, and whenever a significant item of work is required at one of their locations an operational process must be followed. The main sheet of this workbook is therefore filled in by the project managers to log the completion of each step, and in the case of group communications and director site visits, the number of these that have taken place. Red/green conditional formatting makes it obvious at a glance which items still need to be addressed, and a status in the last column (again conditionally formatted) is computed from the proportion of the columns that have been completed.

The second sheet is a dashboard report used by senior management to understand the overall picture for each step of the process.

A simple project, it took only 5 hours to complete work on both sheets, but made a significant difference to IMEP's running of their business as it brought accountability and transparency onto this important operational process.

If you would like to discuss a potential project, XY provides a free 30 minute telephone consultation.

If you are interested, you can request one here.